Ziua lansarii Competitiei de Film a #FFIR Râsnov 2019 a sosit!


Ziua lansarii Competitiei de Film a #FFIR 2019 a sosit!

Avem placerea de a invita realizatorii de film documentar cu tema istorica, produse dupa 1 ianuarie 2017, sa nu ezite in a completa formularul de inregistare de gasit la finalul link-ului urmator !

Termen limita pentru inregistrare: 15 mai 2019.


Selectie oficiala pentru Competitia de Film a FFIR 2019

The Histories and Film Festival in Rasnov (FFIR) is calling for documentary film submission. The call is open and international. All subjects related with history (recent one included) are considered. First time and established filmmakers are welcome. Full regulations and the registration form are accesible below.

Submitted films must be documentary works only, produced after the 1st of January 2017.

Deadline for submissions is May 15th, 2019.

The festival competitive section, inaugurated at FFIR 2018, awards the following prizes: ‘Best Documentary’, ‘Audience Prize’, ‘Young Jury Prize’.

French film-maker, Pierre Henri Deleau, manager of the Festival International du Film d’Histoire Pessac, will chair the professionals jury.

First edition of FFIR Competition, which took place in 2018, featured 8 titles.

FFIR is Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe certified.

FFIR started in 2009. It emerged from the desire of valuing an important chapter of local and worldwide cinematography and from the necessity of bringing to public debate those topics with an impact able to overcome the daily transience. A unique event for the Romanian cultural market was thus born!

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